Docu VR

17. 9. 2021, 18:00 – 19. 9. 2021, 19:00
DOX Centre for Contemporary Art

The 28th Prague IFF – Febiofest invites film lovers to screenings in traditional programme sections, but also a completely new section this year: VR Cinema. 360° VR films will be shown in a special VR cinema at the DOX Centre for Contemporary Art, in three thematically divided groups: For Kids, Art and Docu.

The Curious Life of Bill Mont / Katrina Sorrentino, Andrea Patiño Contreras / USA, Canada 2020 / 9 min. – From the moment Bill Mont wakes up in his bedroom, it is clear that this 89-year-old adventurer is in a good mood. A big, cuddly Mickey Mouse is watching him from his place next to the TV, wearing a witch suit from Fantasia. And the VR film itself delves into the fantasy of the ageing Bill. His imagination is still quite vivid – what would it be like, for example, to send the ashes of the dead to the moon?

Bembé / Marcos Louit, Patricia Diaz / Cuba 2020 / 14 min. – In the south of Cuba, traditional rituals combining animism, voodoo and some Christian traditions are still held. One of these festivities is Bembé, which can last for seven long days. The viewer gets immersed into the heart of a ritual full of dancing, singing, and blood. The authentic film with an almost hypnotic atmosphere premièred last year at the prestigious Sundance Film Festival.

Gr8ness / Michael Ilako, Isa Paul Mohamed / RSA 2020 / 7 min. – Ethan could have ended up like many others who have dropped out of school and become homeless. Just like the roughly 40% of teenagers who face this fate in South Africa, according to statistics. Instead, he decided to try to be different. He started skateboarding and writing his own rap music. The inspiring film was created to open up opportunities for young people to work in creative professions that are still underdeveloped in South Africa.

Ticket price: 115 CZK

Dates and tickets:

17. 9. 2021 – Docu VR – 18:00

17. 9. 2021 – Docu VR – 20:00

18. 9. 2021 – Docu VR – 16:00

18. 9. 2021 – Docu VR – 18:00

19. 9. 2021 – Docu VR – 16:00

19. 9. 2021 – Docu VR – 18:00

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