Raising a School Shooter

Raising a School Shooter

Original title: Raising a School Shooter
Director: Frida Barkfors, Lasse Barkfors
Country: Denmark, Sweden, France, Belgium
Year of production: 2021
Length (min): 74
Language: English
Subtitles: Czech
Sales: DR Sales
Section: Docs
Sponsors: Velvyslanectví Dánského království, Skandinávský dům, Velvyslanectví Švédska

Jeff Williams is the father of Andy who shot and killed two schoolmates and injured thirteen others. Clarence Elliott's son shot and killed his teacher. Sue Klebold is the mother of one of the two perpetrators of the Columbine school massacre. The first two shooters are still in prison while the third one committed suicide after the incident. Many years after the shootings, this intimate documentary gives the three parents the opportunity to openly speak about the horrible crimes of their sons as well as their own regrets and feelings of guilt and helplessness.

Frida Barkfors, Lasse Barkfors

In their two previous films, this Swedish husband-and-wife filmmaking duo already focused on people facing social stigmatization. Their Death of a Child (2017) featured parents who caused the death of their own children and Pervert Park (2014) was about violent child abusers trying to reintegrate into the society after being released from prison. Raising a School Shooter was screened at CPH:DOX and IDFA.

Where and when you can see the film

Cinema City Slovanský dům, #8
Already happened
Cinema City Slovanský dům, #8
Already happened

With support

Velvyslanectví Dánského království
Skandinávský dům
Velvyslanectví Švédska

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