Picture Morgiana


Original title: Morgiana
Director: Juraj Herz
Cast: Iva Janžurová, Josef Abrhám, Nina Divíšková, Petr Čepek, Josef Somr, Iva Janžurová
Country: Czech Republic
Year of production: 1972
Length (min): 99
Language: Czech
Sales: Národní Filmový Archiv
Section: Profile: Iva Janžurová

Sisters Klára and Viktorie are as different as day and night. When their father dies, he leaves most of his possessions to the kind and sweet Klára. But when a man starts courting Klára even though her pathologically jealous sister is in love with him, Viktorie comes up with a devious plan. The loose adaptation of Alexander Grin's novel Jessie and Morgiana represented a crucial part for Iva Janžurová, who portrayed both sisters and managed to bring to life two completely contrasting personalities.

Juraj Herz

One of the most original Czech filmmakers, he started his career in the Semafor theatre and then worked as an assistant director at Barrandov Studios. His work is very diverse and he succeeded at many festivals here and abroad with psychological dramas, comedies, horrors, and satires. Many of his films are considered iconic Czech classics.

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