Arrows of the Thunder Dragon


Arrows of the Thunder Dragon

Original title: Arrows of the Thunder Dragon
Director: Greg Sneddon
Screenplay: Greg Sneddon
Director of Photography: Leki Dorji
Editor: Jill Bilcock
Music: Greg Sneddon
Print source: WIDE Management
Country: Australia, Bhutan
Year of production: 2014
Length (min): 91
Language: Dzongkha, English
Subtitles: Czech, English
Sales: WIDE Management
Section: Asijské panoráma
Genre: Drama

Krátká anotace:
Kuenphen leaves his village and the burden of local traditions behind. Is there any use for archery in the modern world, and what about his sister, who is dictated by tradition to handle a loom instead of a bow? An exotic drama set in the Himalayan mountain area of Bhutan.

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